If you are an Iowa hospital foundation professional, there is no charge to join FPIH. Click here to join online.
The Foundation Professionals for Iowa Hospitals (FPIH) provides a forum and the opportunity for individuals involved with fundraising and foundations at Iowa hospitals to exchange information and ideas.
2025 FPIH Conference, May 1
2025 Annual Meeting, October 7-8
FPIH Officers
President Lorrie Erusha Mercy Medical Center-Cedar Rapids District B
President-Elect Kim French UnityPoint Health - Allen Hospital District B
Secretary Nancy Houska Greene County Medical Center District A
Past President Tara Slevin Methodist Jennie Edmundson District D
At-Large Melissa McGarry Mary Greeley Medical Center District A
At-Large Tom Harmsen Dallas County Hospital District D
FPIH Resources
Fundraising and Privacy Best Practices, click here.
HIPAA and Fundraising FAQ, click here.
If you are an Iowa hospital foundation professional, there is no charge to join FPIH.
For More Information
Erin Cubit, Staff Liaison (515-288-1955)