IHA Leadership Development Program

IHA Leadership Development Program

In today’s health care environment, accepting a leadership role is far more challenging and complex than ever before. Since 2000, the IHA Leadership Development Program has existed to develop critical leadership skills and competencies with an overarching objective of increasing retention of committed, quality staff in Iowa hospitals. Program graduates are recognized during the IHA Annual Meeting.









Reflection of Leadership Style: What do you see?
Leadership development is about improving personal skills and examining one’s attitude about leadership, management, relationships, career and self. But before one can decide on where to go, it is important to reflect on who a participant is and where they are starting from. This interactive workshop will enable participants with the tools to maximize strengths to communicate, solve problems and lead others effectively. This session will take a closer look at leadership styles and why they work.

Accountability for Results

At every level of every organization, projects begin, tasks are assigned, efforts are made and deadlines are met or missed. Directions are given but employees don’t understand them. Agreements are misunderstood or never made. It is not really anyone’s fault - it’s just part of how people fail to communicate in a specific and clear manner about the tasks they assign or accept. This program will provide a systematic approach to assist leaders to plan and complete tasks and empower employees and teams to accept responsibility.

Legal Aspects of Management

Managers must know the laws and regulations that are effected by each decision made. Many new managers are unfamiliar with the guidelines for the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and what action needs to be taken in the case that they must discipline or dismiss an employee. This program will provide valuable information for new managers on the legal aspects of their job. Such topics as FMLA, disciplinary action, interviewing questions, worker compensation and other issues will be addressed.

Middle Managers Make Hospital Miracles Happen and More

Middle management department leaders play the unique role of “connector” in the hospital by balancing
upward influence with leadership. Successfully navigating these dual roles allows the manager to connect
top hospital priorities to daily activities. The result is better patient outcomes and organizational performance.
This session provides leaders with the tools to be the successful connector to accelerate innovation and
improvement throughout the hospital.

Strong Negotiation and Communication Skills: Part of a Leader’s Repertoire for Conflict Management

To be an effective health care leader, one must have a robust repertoire of negotiation and communication skills. Regardless of context, leaders often have formal responsibility for negotiating agreements with other firms or constituencies, must compete with colleagues for scarce organizational resources and are often called upon to resolve disputes between colleagues. The purpose of this session is to facilitate the basic understanding of the theories and processes of negotiation and conflict management as they are practiced in a variety of settings.

Secrets to Successful Teams: Competency and Commitment
This session will explore the elements needed to create a successful competency program and strong teams. Creative strategies to assess competency in all domains of skill - technical, critical thinking and interpersonal - and creative ways to verify competencies in all departments will be discussed. How commitment and team actions can affect the outcomes of daily work will be explored along with a humorous look at how to make all this happen and create a system that really works.

Financial Skills for Health Care Managers

Health care is one of the most regulated and changing industries in the US. When becoming a new leader, an added layer of financial responsibility is attached to existing responsibilities. This session will explain the financial picture for hospitals, including net revenue, statistics, expense management and capital expenditures. Attendees will gain an understanding for the various parts of a financial statement and how they impact their department, staff and patients.

Legal Aspects of Management

Managers must know the laws and regulations that are effected by each decision made. Many new managers are unfamiliar with the guidelines for the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and what action needs to be taken in the case that they must discipline or dismiss an employee. This program will provide valuable information for new managers on the legal aspects of their job. Such topics as FMLA, disciplinary action, interviewing questions, worker compensation and other issues will be addressed.

Questions can be directed to Tori Hanson at IHA 515-288-1955.

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