Health care quality professionals are integral leaders in improving quality and safety while preventing harm. Unfortunately, hospital leaders report high turnover in these positions. Frequently, when a new quality leader is appointed, the previous quality leader has already left the organization, creating a knowledge gap. The Iowa Quality Residency Program is designed to provide knowledge, support and networking opportunities that will position quality leaders for success. This is a two-year program that includes in-person learning sessions, coaching calls, pre- and post-learning assessments and interactive discussion among quality leaders.
Goals of the program are:
- Help with the transition from novice to expert quality leader.
- Support professional development.
- Advance critical thinking and data-driven decision making.
- Provide networking opportunities for quality leaders.
Who should attend
Hospital quality leaders. quality data analysts and clinical staff with quality and compliance as a primary role.
Module A
Orientation and How Quality Fits in the Bigger Picture
This module will provide an overview of the program’s purpose and structure. The roles and responsibilities of the participants will be defined. Collecting quality data is a step in the right direction but putting the data to use is the key to success. This session will help attendees understand their job description, organizational strategic plans, how to juggle multiple hats and how to interact with differing levels of hospital staff.
Module B
Quality Improvement
Plan/Do/Study/Act (PDSA), Lean and Project Management are a few of the buzzwords that apply to improvement strategies for hospitals. The science of improvement offers multiple options using evidence-based strategies. This session will provide information about these approaches to help determine which improvement strategy fits the culture of attendees’ organizations.
Module C
Use of Data, Part 1
This seminar is about a mindset, not a tool set. Attendees will learn how to educate their culture and react appropriately when exploring quality and patient safety measures and, as a result, find significant opportunities for improvement that may otherwise remain hidden resulting in the need for far fewer root-cause analyses. More-effective reporting formats also will be discussed.
Module D
Use of Data, Part 2
Data-driven solutions are a must for quality professionals to execute quality and patient-safety strategies. Applying proven standard-based policies includes analysis of data sources to drive operational changes that make a difference for patients and staff. Attendees also will learn how to use Excel to help with data collection and presentation.
Module E
Meeting External Requirements
Trying to figure decide quality measures need to be reported can be a complicated and confusing process, especially when combined with internal expectations to deliver meaningful information. In this session, attendees with learn about external national and state-related reporting requirements (e.g., Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Hospital Engagement Network and Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project). Attendees will also learn the how to apply those measures in their facilities and create measures useful to their organizations.

Module F
Patient Safety Tools
There are many tools available for turning data analysis into action for quality and patient-safety improvement. In this session, attendees will learn about sentinel-event review, failure-mode effect analysis, culture-of-safety surveys and how patient- safety programs fit with the quality strategy.
Module H
Medical Staff Functions
Gaining the trust and support of medical staff can be challenging. In this session, attendees will learn about peer review, practice evaluation, committee support and credentialing.
Module G
Survey and Accreditation
Dealing with external surveys and determining accreditation opportunities are one of the most challenging roles a quality professional will manage. Attendees will discover what they need to know about how to manage a survey and understand what accreditation means.
Module I
Risk Management
Managing risk can be an overwhelming task. Understanding legal and regulatory requirements can be daunting. In this session, attendees will learn how to complete a root-cause analysis and event reporting, work with a liability carrier and maintain records.

Module J
Patient and Family Engagement
Quality staff can have a positive impact on patient satisfaction and family engagement. This session will provide attendees with tools to measure patient satisfaction and create plans using satisfaction data. Attendees will learn how to manage complaints and grievances.