Call for presentations

Areas of interest for 2025 include:

Workforce Recruitment and Retention

  • Technologies and innovations that can streamline the efforts of the workforce.
  • Solutions to grow, retain, and protect Iowa's health care workforce.
  • Workforce best practices within health care facilities.

Health Care Finance

  • Creative solutions to address financial pressures and opportunities to build hospital financial sustainability.
  • Health care billing, revenue cycle, and insurance claim improvements.
  • Health care financial policy and the impact it has on a facility.

Enhance Excellence in Iowa's Health Care

  • Partnership opportunities with public and community health to improve the health of their communities.
  • Improving access care including maternal and behavioral health services.
  • Improving the patient experience and quality of care.
  • Share evidence-based best practices to facilitate high-quality care.

Trustee Education

  • Education centering on the rules and responsibilities of trustees.
  • Understanding fiduciary responsibilities.
  • The role of boards governing data safety and cybersecurity practices.
  • Trustees understanding the health care environment

Drive Innovation

  • Addressing artificial intelligence in health care including acceptable use policies and what technologies are being most used in health care.
  • Best practices which focus on operational optimization within an organization.
  • Strategic planning and change management in this ever changing environment.

Submitting presentations for Iowa Hospital Association events

Submit presentations using this form. Separate forms must be completed for each presentation you would like to be considered. We suggest you prepare the information below in a word-processing document so you can easily copy and paste the information into the form. The form's text boxes do not expand to allow you to review what you've submitted.


  • Main contact: This should be the best person we can contact with questions. Full contact information is required.
  • Lead presenter: This should be the sole presenter or the lead presenter in a group. Full contact information is required.
  • Lead presenter organization type: Identify what best describes your relation to the Iowa Hospital Association.
  • Lead presenter biography: This should be 200 words or less. Please use complete sentences in a single paragraph. If the proposal is selected, this information will be used in the conference marketing materials.
  • Additional presenter(s): List additional presenters. Full contact information is required.
  • Additional presenter(s) organization type: Identify what best describes their relations to the Iowa Hospital Association.
  • Additional presenter(s) biography: This should be 200 words or less. Please use complete sentences in a single paragraph. If the proposal is selected, this information will be used in the conference marketing materials.
  • Presentation format: Specify your desired format (lecture, hands-on workshop, panel discussion, live or recorded webinar). We may be interested in the presentation but require changes to the format.
  • Presentation length: Specify the desired length to present your information. We may be interested in the presentation but require changes to the length.
  • Presentation title: This should clearly reflect the topic or content area.
  • Presentation description: Clearly and concisely describe in 500 words or less the content of the presentation. If the proposal is selected, this information will be used in the conference marketing materials to describe the presentation to potential attendees. We may request additional details from the submitter before selecting the presentation.
  • Presentation learning objectives: A minimum of three learning objectives must be submitted for each presentation. These need to be written in complete sentences using verbs that are observable and measurable (describe, compare, explain, identify).
  • Target audience: Specify your primary audience for this presentation.
  • Iowa Hospital Association events: List the Iowa Hospital Association events for which you are interested in being a presenter. We may find your presentation to be a better fit for a different event.
  • Conflicts of interest: Identify any conflicts or perceived conflicts of interest you or any presenter in your group may have.


By submitting a proposal, you are agreeing to waive your right to be reimbursed by the Iowa Hospital Association for speaker’s fees and travel expenses incurred and normally collected by your organization when presenting the proposed education.


If you have questions about this call for presentations, please contact Corey Martin at 515-288-1955

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