About the Iowa Hospital Association

The Iowa Hospital Association is a nonprofit trade association of 117 hospital and health system members. The association was established in 1929 and provides advocacy, education and information to its members. It represents and advocates health policy issues benefiting Iowans before the state legislature, U.S. Congress and regulatory bodies. The Iowa Hospital Association is in Des Moines and is an allied member of the American Hospital Association.


The Iowa Hospital Association represents Iowa hospitals and supports them in achieving their missions and goals.


The Iowa Hospital Association will be Iowa's most trusted, respected and influential leader in health policy and advocacy, and a valued resource for information and education.


The Iowa Hospital Association is committed to:

  • Engagement
  • Innovation
  • Integrity
  • Leadership

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2024 Highlights Report

Iowa's hospitals are vital to their communities (click here to view)



The Iowa Hospital Association aims to alleviate provider burden and promote smooth transitions in the fluctuating health care policy environment by sustaining itself as an effective health care advocate. The association respects and relies on the support of hospital members as part of the advocacy team. The association's advocacy team provides a variety of messaging platforms and opportunities that allow hospital leaders to advocate for their hospitals and communities.

Annual advocacy events include:

  • Advocacy 101 – Training facilitated by Iowa Hospital Association lobbyists that reviews key talking points and priorities to help advocates effectively communicate with legislators before discussions at the Capitol.
  • Legislative Reception – Scheduled in the evening at the Iowa Hospital Association Conference Center, the reception facilitates discussion among hospital advocates and legislators in a more casual setting.
  • Hospital Day on the Hill – The day features visits with legislators at the Capitol. Hospital Day on the Hill is the largest gathering of hospital advocates in Iowa to share the hospital perspective while growing relations with legislators.


The Iowa Hospital Association recognizes the value of professional development and continuous educational opportunities and the impact they have on the success of hospitals and their employees. The association provides accessible, year-round educational programming that meets the changing needs of hospital members. Broad-based learning opportunities further promote members interacting and learning. An example is the Iowa Hospital Association Annual Meeting, which provides valuable education about crucial topics.


The Iowa Hospital Association collects and analyzes data to support hospitals’ efforts to improve health care delivery in Iowa. With increased regulation and growing expectations for high-quality, cost-effective care, data plays a growing role in the success of health care organizations, especially hospitals. The Iowa Hospital Association works to maintain accurate and timely health care information and data for all Iowa hospitals.

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