2024 Hospital Week

The 2024 National Hospital Week is Sunday, May 12-18. The Iowa Hospital Association encourages everyone to celebrate the essential service of Iowa hospitals and health systems in our communities!

Thank you to all the heroes working in Iowa’s hospitals and clinics. From front-line health care workers to behind-the-scenes staff! We appreciate all your hard work caring for patients and strengthening Iowa’s communities.


Below are messages from Iowa hospital staff about the importance of hospitals and what health care means to them.

Essential services: What Iowa hospitals do for Iowans

Ensure access to care:

  • Iowa hospitals are distributed across 90 of Iowa’s 99 counties, ensuring access to health care services for residents throughout the state.
  • They provide continuous, safe and high-quality care to all Iowans, regardless of their ability to pay.
  • With 298,000 inpatient admissions and 16.6 million outpatient visits annually, Iowa hospitals cater to various medical needs.

Economic contributions:

  • Iowa hospitals play a vital role in the state's economy, contributing $21.5 billion or 12% of the state's gross domestic product.
  • They support 77,000 direct and 145,000 ancillary jobs, making them significant employers in Iowa.
  • Iowa hospitals pay $5.7 billion in wages and benefits, stimulating economic growth and stability in local communities.

Community benefits:

  • Iowa hospitals provide $1 billion in annual community benefits, including charity care and programs to improve public health outcomes.
  • They invest in state priorities such as maternal health and behavioral health services, reduce readmission rates, and enhance overall community well-being.

Affordability and quality:

  • S. News and World Report ranked Iowa hospitals third in health care affordability, ensuring that health care remains accessible and affordable for Iowans.
  • Despite financial challenges, Iowa hospitals deliver high-quality care, with 36,000 babies delivered annually and 1.3 million patients treated in emergency departments yearly.

Addressing challenges:

  • Despite facing financial and workforce challenges, Iowa hospitals remain committed to enhancing quality and access to care.
  • Iowa hospitals recognize the importance of their services as essential investments in the health and economic well-being of Iowa's communities.

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