Iowa Hospital Association


Click Here to Access the DATABANK website

The IHA DATABANK Program is a web-based database of hospital utilization, financial performance, and balance sheet indicators. The database is the source of comparable information on inpatient utilization, outpatient statistics, charges and expenses per day and per stay, uncollected charges, number of days in accounts receivable gross, profitability, financial ratios and a number of personnel statistics.

Hospitals submit their monthly data the 21st of the following month on the secure DATABANK Web site. Once the data is submitted on the web, member hospitals are able to run their facilities' reports immediately. Hospitals can view peer groups by Medicare payment classification, IHA geographic district, operating expense, and select custom peer groups. The data contained in the DATABANK reports can be used for budgeting, marketing and internal management purposes within the hospital.

For more information on the IHA DATABANK Program, please contact Allison Martin at 515-288-1955 or click HERE.


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