If you are an Iowa hospital rehabilitation manager, there is no charge to join IRM. Click here to join online.
Challenges faced in today’s marketplace for medical rehabilitation services can be overwhelming. IRM strives to serve rehab managers and directors by providing educational programs, access to others in the profession and a link to advocacy activities. IRM goals include:
- Encourage the highest standard in medical rehabilitation care through the exchange of information.
- Promote ideas for the advancement of sound rehab services.
- Interface with related professionals and their organizations/facilities.
IRM Events
- 2023 Iowa Rehab Managers Spring Conference, March 2nd
- 2023 Annual Meeting Golf and Pre-Conference Events October 9
2023 Annual Meeting October 10-11
IRM Officers
Sheena Abbott – President
Kristin Wolford – Past President
Caroline Peyrone – President Elect
Aileen Schaaf – Secretary
Join IRM
If you are an Iowa hospital rehab manager, there is no charge to join Iowa Rehab Managers.
For More Information
Sari Kurimski, staff liaison, 515-288-1955