If you are an Iowa hospital marketing communications professional, there is no charge to join the Iowa Society for Healthcare Marketing and Public Relations. Click here to join online.
Effective marketing communications is vital to the success of any hospital. The Iowa Society for Healthcare Marketing and Public Relations strives to serve hospital marketing communications professionals and help them to promote their facilities. The society's goals are to:
- Encourage the highest standards of practice in hospital marketing communications.
- Promote the effective use of sound hospital marketing communications programs.
- Stimulate an exchange of information about marketing communications policies, practices and procedures.
- 2025 Spring Conference
- 2025 Annual Meeting October 6-8
Lisa Burg, President
Marketing and Public Relations Director
Orange City Area Health System, Orange City
Cydney Shriver, President-Elect
Marketing Specialist
Myrtue Medical Center, Harlan
Cassandra Schafer, Secretary
Director of Marketing and Community Relations
Hegg Health Center Avera, Rock Valley
Join the Iowa Society of Healthcare Marketing and Public Relations
If you are an Iowa hospital marketing communications professional, there is no charge to join the society.
For More Information
Craig Borchard, staff liaison, 515-288-1955